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Natural Law & Critique Series

Since 2015, I have been working on a General Philosophy book; and since 2017, I have been working on a Critique of Stefan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson, Ken Wilber and related philosophers (i.e. Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, etc.). The work on these books has been interrupted by other projects more important to get out to the community (like my abortion, bioterrorism, community series... and upcoming work on “spiritual” business). While I have written over 300,000 words for these book projects, I cannot say when they will be published (hopefully a couple of years). Until then, these short videos will provide a glimpse of what is to come. Along with publishing these books in the future, I hope to continue this complementary series.

Introduction to Essay and Critique Video Series (8-3-18)

Episode 1: HOlISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS (8-10-18)

Sample from Future Book

Here is another sample of future material from Facebook. 

Jana ESP. 2022


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